Profile of Aurel Patru
Studies: Polytechnic Institute Bucharest, Metallurgy University, National School of Coaches
Profession: Coach
Work and position:
Vice-president of the Romanian Martial Arts Federation
Chairman of SKDUN Karate Department of FRAM
Head coach of the national squad shotokan SKDUN karate team from FRAM
President of the World Karate Federation SKDUN
Member of the Technical Committee of the World Federation SKDUN
President at C S Aiko Bucharest
Coach at: CS Dinamo Bucuresti
Year of the beginning of martial arts practice: 1978
Style (sporting branch): Shotokan karate
Grade in martial arts: 8th Dan Shotokan Karate
Results as a sportsman: vicechampion national kata teams 1992, 1993
Results as coach:
Since 2001 until present, the Romanian team have won over 1000 medals at World or European championships where I participated as its coach.
In the last 12 years I have been frequently appointed by the Romanian Ministry of Sport, the coach of the year at the non-olympic sports, in the Romanian Sports Gala.
As a result of my achievements, I earned the title of Emeritus Coach.
For the results obtained and for promoting the image of Romania I was awarded the Second Class Sports Merit by the President of Romania.
Since 2001, I have been coordinating the work of the SKDUN shotokan karate department, I have witnessed a strong development of this department. Only 120 athletes from 7 clubs took part in the first edition held in 2001. At present, 50 clubs are affiliated and at the last more than 800 athletes participated in the National Championship. I succeeded in involving the Mayors of Districts 1, 2, and 3 in Bucharest in a karate initiation program for pupils in schools, so over 3,000 students were initiated into karate (many of them being selected in teams for performance). Through this program I made a real promotion of the martial arts and implicitly of the Romanian Martial Arts Federation. I have organised spectacular martial arts demonstrations annually, to which children and Romanian personalities have been invited to attend. In all TV appearances or articles in the press, I tried to make known the educational value of martial arts and the importance of practicing martial arts , especially of the harmonious, physical and psychological development of children, regardless of the style practiced.
More 250 students trained by me, have achieved over time to gain the black belt.
Over 30 students received the title of Emeritus Master of Sports and Master of Sport.
I have brought to Romania for technical training, many well-known karate masters: Tetsuhiko Asai 9th Dan, Keigo Abe 8th Dan, Toshiaki Namiki 9th Dan, Yatsusune Saito 8th Dan, Takashi Yamaguchi 7th Dan, Gerry Breeze 9th Dan, Colin Putt 8th Dan, Tonino Trota 7th Dan.
At international level, as the President of the SKDUN World Federation, I coordinated the successful organization of the European Championships / European Cup for Kohai and the World Championships / World Cup for Kohai, managing to attract a large number of athletes and coaches to these sporting events, contributing directly to the promotion of the SKDUN image in the world, also contributing to the affiliation of many sports organizations at SKDUN.
As a member of the Technical Committee, I have organized numerous training sessions both in Romania and in foreign countries and have organised training seminars in: Hungary, Italy, France, Moldova, Poland, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Bosnia, Ukraine.